Home Downloads DraftSight for Linux is the best free alternative to AutoCAD

DraftSight for Linux is the best free alternative to AutoCAD

by Divya Kiran Kumar
Published: Updated:
draftsight for linux

AutoCAD is an immensely popular CAD software used world-wide which let’s engineers to design products and make layouts. AutoCAD’s 2D module is more used than the 3D module. Unfortunately, AutoCAD is made only for Windows OS and won’t work on Linux. Of course, there is Wine for Linux which can let you run any Windows program on Linux, but you won’t get the shear performance. It’s like running a virtual Windows OS inside Linux.

draftsight for linux

Nothing to worry, we have DraftSight! Developed and released for free use by ‘Dassault Systemes’ who are makers of stupendously famous CATIA V5 and now V6, DraftSight is a great potential as AutoCAD replacement for Linux users.

DraftSight Running on Linux Mint

DraftSight Running on Linux Mint

Important Features of DraftSight

  • Supports Layers
  • Command line input
  • Read and write support for DWG/DXF files
  • Save DWG/DXF files back to previous versions
  • Attach image files (.bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, & .tiff)
  • Save as .jpeg, .pdf, .png, .sld, .svg, .tif, & .stl file formats
  • Publish to eDrawings or Drawings Now
  • Arcs, circles, lines, Ellipses, elliptical arcs, and more 2D elements
  • Tolerances, Leaders & CenterMarks
  • Trim & extend, and more editing commands.
  • and much more.

Install DraftSight on Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and elementary OS

Dassault Systemes have provided .deb file which can be downloaded from the official website. After download is complete, you can double-click the draftSight.deb and follow the on-screen instructions.

Download DraftSight for Ubuntu and derivatives

Install DraftSight on Fedora

Similarly, there is RPM binary for Fedora which is again a straight forward installation.

Download DraftSight for Fedora

The application runs trial for 30 days, but you can enter your email ID when you first launch the program and get a lifetime free activation!

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catia October 29, 2018 - 2:22 AM

The mentioned information is really educational for a fresher who is learning free alternative to AutoCAD The present scenario on this field of work is very impressive and student like me who is looking for a carrier really feeling thankful for your sharing.

Civil Engineer 9 December 16, 2018 - 2:58 PM

This is very informative post. Thanks for help with this post.

Dzyanis December 31, 2019 - 11:56 AM

DS has removed link to download DraftSight from their website.

john January 15, 2021 - 1:56 PM

isthere a good replacement for 2D DS for linux. i was trying to download DS 2D trial on their web page but It would not install.

Deepika May 26, 2021 - 8:42 AM

Use TrueCAD intellicad Software.One of the best AutoCAD alternative cad software at affordable price.Here is the Reference link “https://http://truecad.com/download-truecad-intellicad-software.php”

Sona June 10, 2022 - 3:55 PM

Absolutely love working with CMS IntelliCAD! I did some prior research and used the free trial option to get accustomed to the features before investing in it. Was nicely surprised to find that they’re an American business and have been in the market since the early 90s. This definitely gave me more trust and respect. This software was definitely a good find for me.

Kiara April 1, 2024 - 1:15 PM

As a hobbyist, I was hesitant to invest in expensive CAD software, but CADHOBBY IntelliCAD has proven to be a cost-effective alternative that delivers the same quality and performance.


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