You no longer need a Windows operating system to connect with your colleagues at work since Microsoft Teams has been made available for Linux and macOS users. Therefore, no need to worry anymore if your daily tasks require a Linux …

Abraham is a passionate writer whose desire is to ensure readers get solutions to their problems at ease. He has been in the writing field for the past three years and loves to write tutorials on Linux and computer programming. He spends his free time playing hockey and watching movies.
A checksum is small-sized data obtained from a block of digital data used to detect errors. The checksum value uses a transmission message to represent bit numbers. Extensively, it has been used and still is in use by IT experts …
MySQL is one of the most popular database management systems for web applications. MySQL has a root password or an admin-level password, just like many web services. The root passwords permit users to perform any top-level function in a database.
PostgreSQL and MySQL are the two top database management systems. Besides, the two are open-source relational databases meaning they can be used for free, and their code is also freely available. Multiple commercials and in-house applications use PostgreSQL and MySQL.
Kali Linux NetHunter is the first android penetration testing platform for Android devices. The NetHunter is an open-source project meaning developers can freely use it without getting copyright infringements or any other related threats. This project allows the supported android …
A wordlist can be referred to as a password dictionary since it is a collection of passwords stored as plain text. Kali Linux is the most advanced penetration testing distribution. It is primarily designed for penetration testing and digital forensics …
Kali Linux, previously known as BackTrack Linux, is a Debian-based open-source Linux distribution designed for advanced penetration testing and security auditing. This operating system has many tools for diverse information security undertakings, including penetration testing, reverse engineering, security research, and …
Due to many organizations, businesses, companies, and firms making an online presence, databases have become the core requirement for their daily operations. A database in a layman’s language is defined as a collection of data stored and organized electronically to …
MySQL is derived from ‘My’- the cofounder’s daughter and SQL- Structured Query Language. It is an open-source type of relational database management system. This relational database system helps organize data into relatable tables, thereby enabling structural relations of different data …
A root account is a superuser account that offers a wide array of privileges throughout the databases of MySQL. By default, the initial password for the root account is ‘empty/blank,’ thus allowing access to the MySQL server as root to …