Internet Relay Chat is a client and a protocol for real-time Internet text messaging and synchronous conferencing. Users can connect with an IRC client to a global network of IRC servers for one-on-one or group chat. Same may consider IRC …
Enock is a software engineer, an explorer of the universe, and a fedora enthusiast passionate about humanity, open-source, and science. He enjoys gaming and creating pencil art illustrations.
Linux operating systems offer countless sysadmin commands and utilities, which help users, developers, and engineers with system administration tasks. For example, sysadmin commands and packages can help users optimize or manage applications and provide valuable troubleshooting information to network admins …
Arguably, one of the most common administrative tasks for Linux end users is file management. File management tools are intended to simplify tasks such as locating files, managing disk space allocation, deleting files, moving files, naming files, and opening files …
DNF is a software package manager on RPM distros such as Fedora, CentOS, OpenMandriva, RHEL, and Mageia. It is an installer wizard that installs, updates, and removes packages and is the successor to YUM (Yellow-Dog Updater). It was introduced in …
Fedora is an open-source project and an upstream source of the commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution. Since Fedora 30, the Fedora project releases five different editions, spins, and platforms for hardware, containers, server, IoT, and cloud.
LaTeX is a free and open-source software for typesetting documents. It is a preparation system for high-quality typesetting and the defacto for large technical documents, computer science, and mathematics documents. For example, you can use LaTeX to create math formulas, …
LaTeX is a free and open-source software for typesetting documents. LaTeX is a preparation system for high-quality typesetting and the defacto for large technical documents, computer science, mathematics, and physics documents. TeXstudio makes it easy to edit and format LaTeX …
Proxy servers provide security and privacy between you and your internet activities. Accessing the internet plays a key role for education purposes, social interaction, and facilitating business activities. However, governments, hackers, and advertisers can see most of your internet activities.
Cron is a scheduling daemon that executes cron jobs at specified intervals. Cron jobs automate system maintenance, repetitive or administration tasks such as database or data backup, system updates, checking the disk space usage, sending emails, and so on.
The Linux platform has many open-source webcam tools and software at your disposal. Ubuntu requires an effective tool like Cheese to take images and record video or Motion for video surveillance. Modern laptops and notebooks have in-built webcam hardware to …