If you are getting started with Linux systems, terms like “Shell scripting” or “Bash scripting” can be quite common – But what do they mean? Before we get into details, learning Bash scripting can help you save time in executing …
Learn Linux
The IT industry depends heavily on Linux. So, if you are trying to get into one of the IT industry positions, you need to be good at Linux. As someone trying to get a position, it is essential to impress …
In the world of Operating Systems, the Linux operating system is everyone’s favorite gladiator and for obvious reasons. Firstly, it is open-source, meaning the only thing you need to worry about is your internet provider’s stability and subscription rates. There …
The history command in Linux is no complex jargon. It is exactly what you think it is, and there is no hidden meaning behind it. The same way you look at your browser history after a long day on the …
The tug of war between Linux and macOS continues to go through the test of time. The internet meme world concludes their major differences in the usual humorous manner. In their opinion, macOS is for the rich, and Linux is …
To understand what a Linux host file is, we will need to undertake this tutorial through a visual aid approach. So fire up your Ubuntu terminal but first ensure you are a root user or have root user privileges.
Cron or Cron job is a time-based scheduler common in Linux/Unix systems. It schedules specified user tasks to run periodically in fixed date, time, or intervals. Most of these tasks are scripts to perform functions like backups and more. To create …
NTP stands for “Network Time Protocol.” It is a protocol used by devices connected to the internet to synchronize their systems’ time to a time reference. There are various important points as to why it is important to maintain accurate …
Typically, in Linux, when your connection drops or user log out from the system, your session will terminate, and all the processes executed from the terminal will stop. If you want a program or command to keep running in the …
Linux Terminal commands may give an impression of being complex to use for a beginner, but as you learn, you realize how easy, powerful, and effective they are. Tasks that could undergo multi-step processes through GUI can be executed quickly …