Another day, another command line tutorial. Today, let’s talk about an important networking command in Linux, ip. This command is very useful to fish out network parameters of the Linux computer. It works on all Linux distributions including Ubuntu, Arch …
Terminal Tuts
Linux is one of the most popular operating systems that has been around since the mid-1990s. An operating system is a software that manages all the hardware resources in a computer or laptop. In simple terms, an operating system works …
In this session of Terminal Tuts, we will learn how to change your Ubuntu computer name and your server host name via Terminal. Command-line method is more useful for system administrators as usually they do it remotely.
Many of our readers have requested me to write articles on learning Linux. I’m excited to introduce first article in this mega series – Linux Shell. You might have heard about this term used in Linux quite often. So, what …
Although Linux Mint and Ubuntu are reliable and stable operating systems, you can’t avoid program computer freezes due to the nature of the installed program itself. The beauty of Linux is its superior CPU and memory management. Linux hardly becomes frozen on the entire …
Hard disk failures are just a thing that’s bound to happen to every computer. But, time of complete failure is something that you should estimate based on the scan results. Presence of bad sectors is the beginning of the end …
In this session of our Terminal Tuts series, let’s learn how to add, remove, and modify user accounts from the terminal using commands in Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and derivatives. View list all the users of your PC Before heading to …
Linux was all command-line when it began. Commands are input into Terminal, and this was the primary means of communicating with the OS to get things done. Eventually, the community desired to apply an easy-to-use user interface so that newbies …