DNF is a software package manager on RPM distros such as Fedora, CentOS, OpenMandriva, RHEL, and Mageia. It is an installer wizard that installs, updates, and removes packages and is the successor to YUM (Yellow-Dog Updater). It was introduced in …
Fedora is an open-source project and an upstream source of the commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution. Since Fedora 30, the Fedora project releases five different editions, spins, and platforms for hardware, containers, server, IoT, and cloud.
LaTeX is a free and open-source software for typesetting documents. It is a preparation system for high-quality typesetting and the defacto for large technical documents, computer science, and mathematics documents. For example, you can use LaTeX to create math formulas, …
LaTeX is a free and open-source software for typesetting documents. LaTeX is a preparation system for high-quality typesetting and the defacto for large technical documents, computer science, mathematics, and physics documents. TeXstudio makes it easy to edit and format LaTeX …
Nextcloud is a software suite of applications to store and sync files and data across multiple devices. It is a fully on-premises solution to share and collaborate on documents, manage your calendar and send and receive email.
B-Tree Filesystem (Btrfs) is a copy on write (CoW) filesystem for Linux operating systems. Fedora users got introduced to Btrfs when the Fedora project team made it the default filesystem for Fedora Workstation 33.
You might have heard and used cloud services like DropBox, OneDrive, Google Drive, iCloud, and many others. These have already integrated into various applications as an additional cloud storage option. However, one more cloud service seems to be taking the …
A new Fedora release is always around the corner approximately every six months. Every new release gives you, a Fedora enthusiast or a new Fedora user, the latest software, utilities, and technologies. A new installation will always require some tweaks, …
My first install of Fedora was Fedora 19, codename “Schrödinger’s Cat,” named after the quantum mechanics Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment. Back then, Fedora versions were released with a number version and a code name before the naming convention was dropped, …
The Shutter tool is a free and open-source screenshot capturing app essential for the Linux Fedora distros. It is feature-rich and, to some extent, can be considered as an alternative to the SnagIt software, which is applicable in Windows operating …