Home Downloads Free Photo Collage for Linux makes awesome photo collage posters

Free Photo Collage for Linux makes awesome photo collage posters

by Divya Kiran Kumar
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PhotoCollage for Linux

PhotoCollage is a free and open source software available for Debian and RPM based Linux distros. It’s features are in par with what a paid applications offer. Among the most prominent features, I like the ability of the utility to smartly select the photos and resize it based on image identification algorithm to a suitable size within the photo collage poster. You can still go ahead and swap, resize the individual images as per your desire if needed.

Features of PhotoCollage for Linux

It can randomly generate layouts at a click of a button until you get a desired result. You can swap the photos in the collage to any location and resize them. It lets you choose the border color and width before you choose to save a high-resolution image. The program is amazingly stable and can handle more than 100 images. I won’t be hitting that number anytime while I make collages, but just to give you sense of stability of the program. It is available in English, French, German, Czech and Italian languages.

PhotoCollage for Linux

PhotoCollage for Linux

Install PhotoCollage in Ubuntu, Linux Mint, elementary OS, and Debian derivatives

Launch ‘Terminal’ and use the following commands to install PhotoCollage.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install photocollage

After installation is complete, you can launch it from ‘Applications’. Or use this command to launch it from terminal.


Install PhotoCollage in Fedora, Mandriva, openSUSE, and derivatives

Launch ‘Terminal’ and use dnf command to install it. Before that login as super user.

dnf install photocollage

That’s it.

More details at GitHub.

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