If you are a cloud storage shopper, you could have come across pCloud Drive. It’s a popular cloud service offering 10GB free storage space for saving your work and personal files on a secure cloud. The storage drive is accessible via your web browser or by using a desktop client.
In this tutorial, we are going to walk you through installing its desktop client on Ubuntu. Also, we will enable the pCloud service to startup automatically when the system starts.
Before starting our tutorial, we need to make sure that your Ubuntu is up-to-date using the following commands:
sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade
Installing pCloud on Ubuntu
Step 1. Download the deb package from the official website. (Click Here.)

Download Pcloud Drive For Linux 64 Bit
Step 2. Save the deb package.

Pcloud Deb Package
Step 4. Move to the Downloads directory.
cd Downloads ls

Move To The Downloads Directory
Step 5. To install the deb package, we need to install the gdebi first.
sudo apt install gdebi

Install Gdebi Package
Step 6. After the gdebi installed successfully, you can install the pCloud deb package.
sudo gdebi pCloud_Linux_amd64_3.1.1.deb

Install the Deb Package
Step 7. Now let’s open the pCloud drive desktop client. You can use one of the following two methods:
First Method: Launch desktop client using the terminal:

Second Method: Look for pCloud and open it.

Step 8. You can now login to your account or create a new account if you do not have one.

Add pCloud Drive to Startup Applications
To make the app to start automatically during the system startup, launch the Ubuntu startup applications, and add the program’s path to the startup applications.
Step 1. From the left panel, open the installed applications then open the startup applications.

Open Startup Applications
Step 2. The startup applications preference interface should look like the below screenshot.

Startup Applications Preferences
Step 3. Now press the Add button.

Press the Add Button
The add startup program window should look like the below screenshot.

Add A Startup Application
Step 4. Next, you can browse the location of the installed desktop client. Then press the Add button to continue.

Add The Application To Startup Applications
Step 5. As you can see in the below screenshot, the app has been added successfully to your startup applications. Now you are done and can restart your system.

Application Added To Startup Applications Successfully
Congratulations, you have just installed the pCloud drive desktop client on Ubuntu and enabled the automatic startup.