Home Server Working with Docker Images, Containers, and the DockerHub

Working with Docker Images, Containers, and the DockerHub

by Darshana
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working with docker

Previously we showed how to install Docker on Ubuntu. Docker is a handy tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Today, let’s talk about working with Docker images, Containers, and the DockerHub.

Docker Hub, Images, and Containers

As the name indicates, DockerHub is a hosted repository service provided by the publisher for finding and sharing container images with developers/users. A Docker image has everything needed to run an application as a container.

A container is a runtime instance of an image. We will show you how to work with these things with easy to follow examples.

1. Pulling the docker image and setting up a software

To pull the docker image, use the following command:

docker pull ubuntu
Pull Docker Image

Pull Docker Image

It should download the latest ubuntu image. If needed, you can get a specific version using tags. You can go to the docker hub and see the Ubuntu docker images.

Docker Hub

Docker Hub

I. Get a specific version

For example, pull Ubuntu xenial:

docker pull ubuntu:xenial
Pull Specific Version

Pull Specific Version

II. Listing images

Run the following command to list downloaded images

docker images
List Docker Images

List Docker Images

III. Running docker image

Here we run ubuntu latest image and give name called “ubuntu_apache”:

docker run -it --name="ubuntu_apache" ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

docker run:– command lets you run any Docker image as a container.

-it:– executes the container in interactive mode (not in the background).

Run Ubuntu Image

Run Ubuntu Image

IV. Configuring new image

Now you are inside ubuntu latest container. Here we are going to install apache and git.

Let’s update Ubuntu first:

apt-get update

Install apache2 and check the version.

apt-get install apache2
apache2 -version

Now install GIT:

apt-get install git

Start apache 2:

/etc/init.d/apache2 start

2. Creating an account on Docker Hub

Now we are going to build a new image and push it to the docker hub. So you must create a docker hub account first.

Sign Up Docker Hub

Sign Up Docker Hub

Then go to your docker host. Exit from the docker container.

Exit Docker Container

Exit Docker Container

3. Building a new image

I. Commit modifications

docker commit -m="ubuntu-apache-git-image" ubuntu_apache ddarshana/ubuntuapache

-m:–  Commit message.
ubuntu_apache: Name of the container that we are going to creating the image.
ddarshana/ubuntuapache: Name of the Docker Hub repository. (replace this with your docker hub name and repo name)

Docker Commit

Docker Commit

After you list images, you can see a new image.

docker images
docker images

docker images

Push docker image to docker hub repository:

II. Login into the docker hub repository.

docker login
Login to Docker Hub

Log in to Docker Hub

III. Now we can push the image to the Docker hub repository.

docker push ddarshana/ubuntuapache

Docker Push

Docker PushNow, you browse a login to your docker hub account, and under repositories, you can see a new image.

Pushed Image

Pushed Image

IV) Removing Docker Images

Now we are going to remove the docker image (ddarshana/ubuntuapache) in our host machine. Before that, you need to list docker images. Then get an image ID to execute the following command to remove it.

docker rmi -f "Image ID"

-f:- force

4. Now again, we are going to pull our docker image from the docker hub.

docker pull ddarshana/ubuntuapache
Pull New Image

Pull New Image

I. Running the new Docker image as a container and in a background

docker run -itd -p 80:80 ddarshana/ubuntuapache

-itd:- executes the container in the background

-p 80:80:- using the -p option we’re connecting the internal port 80 of the container the external port 80. Apache uses port 80. So we can send the HTTP request to the server from our local machine by opening up URL http://IP:80.

Run Docker Image background

Run Docker Image background

II. Listing Docker containers

docker ps -a
List Docker Containers

List Docker Containers

III. Login to docker container

docker exec -it "container ID" /bin/bash
Login to Docker Container

Log in to Docker Container

/etc/init.d/apache2 status
/etc/init.d/apache2 start
Apache Status

Apache Status

Before we create an image, we install git too. You can run the following command and check the git version:

 git --version

IV. Checking apache service

Now you can browse apache server page using your host machine IP or hostname:
Apache Default Page

Apache Default Page

Now we will stop the container and remove it.

5. Listing containers and get the container ID

docker ps -a

I. Stoping the container

docker stop "container ID"

II. Removing container

docker rm "container ID"
Remove Container

Remove Container

That’s it for now! I hope you liked this section of working with Docker images and containers.

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1 comment

Rumesh February 16, 2020 - 2:34 AM

This is a very good article which explains all steps that you need to know as a beginner. Keep writing the articles like these.


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