Home Fedora How to install Google Chrome on Fedora

How to install Google Chrome on Fedora

by Hend Adel
install google chrome fedora

The new Fedora update is impressive, and we recommend that every Fedora user upgrade their Fedora 30 to Fedora 31 for the best performance and better battery life (for laptop users).

Fedora comes with Firefox as the default web browser. If you prefer Google Chrome, we’ve got this tested guide to show you a few ways. The first process shows installing Chrome from the Fedora repository, and the next one suggests downloading the Chrome app from Google servers.

With the latter process, you get Chrome’s latest version that isn’t thoroughly tested by the Fedora community. People wanting a stable and fairly tested Chrome should use the first method to install Chrome from the official Fedora repository. However, you can still install the beta/unstable version using the first method, too, as shown below.

Updating Fedora

But before we start with Google Chrome installation, you should make sure that your system is completely updated using the following two commands. Fire up the Terminal app and enter the commands one at a time.

sudo dnf update
sudo dnf upgrade

Installing Google Chrome Browser on Fedora 31

Method 1: Using the Fedora Repositories

Step 1. To add extra Fedora repositories, use the following command.

sudo dnf install fedora-workstation-repositories
Enable Fedora Repositories

Enable Fedora Repositories

Step 2. Enable the Google Chrome repository.

sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled google-chrome
Enable Google Chrome Repository

Enable Google Chrome Repository

Step 3. Install Google Chrome using your desired option:

A. To install the Google Chrome Beta release:

sudo dnf install google-chrome-beta

B. To install the Google Chrome unstable release:

sudo dnf install google-chrome-unstable

C. To install the Google Chrome stable release:

sudo dnf install google-chrome-stable
Download and Install Google Chrome Stable Version

Download and Install Google Chrome Stable Version

Step 4. You should get a warning for importing the GPG key, enter y to continue.

Importing GPG key

Importing GPG key

As you can see, the GPG key is imported successfully.

GPG Key Imported

GPG Key Imported

Step 5. After the Google Chrome is installed successfully, use the next command to open Google Chrome from the Terminal.

Open Google Chrome From Terminal

Open Google Chrome From Terminal

Step 6. For the first time starting the Google Chrome browser, you should get a message like the below one. Click the Ok button to launch Google Chrome.

Google Chrome First Use Messages

Google Chrome First Use Messages

Step 7. Welcome to Google Chrome on Fedora.

Welcome To Google Chrome Browser

Welcome To Google Chrome Browser

Method 2: Direct Installation of Google Chrome

Step 1. Use the next DNF command to install the Google Chrome Stable version directly.

sudo dnf install https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm
Direct Download and Install Google Chrome Stable Version

Direct Download and Install Google Chrome Stable Version

Step 2. When the installation completes successfully, launch the app.

Open Google Chrome From Terminal

Open Google Chrome From Terminal

Step 3. Google Chrome first use message.

Google Chrome First Use Messages

Google Chrome First Use Messages

Step 4. You can now start browsing using Google Chrome browser.

Welcome To Google Chrome Browser

Welcome To Google Chrome Browser

That’s all about installing Google Chrome on Fedora.

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1 comment

David Siembab September 19, 2020 - 6:28 AM

What are the privacy concerns with google chrome?


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