Home News CentOS 8 (1911) derived from RedHat Linux 8.1 Enterprise released

CentOS 8 (1911) derived from RedHat Linux 8.1 Enterprise released

by Zohaib Ahsan
Published: Updated:

With the release of RedHat Linux 8.1 Enterprise, we knew that it was only a matter of time for CentOS V8 (1911) to be released. Now that it is finally here let’s have a look at what this new update has in store for us.

What’s New

Since RedHat Linux 8.1 Enterprise powers this version of CentOS, it’s going to accompany all the features and improvements that came with the latest RHLE. If you’ve not been keeping up with RHLE, you need not worry as we’re going to discuss all the changes that were implemented with this update.



As part of the new CentOS, users will be able to make use of kernel live patching and udica, which helps to generate SELinux policies for containers. Also, the operating system comes with a new routing protocol stack with the ability to support various IPV4 and IPV6 routing protocols. Other than that, troubleshooting sophisticated network issues will also become easier for system admins, all thanks to the new Berkeley Packet Filter.

CentOS 8.1 also enables online re-encryption for the Linux Unified Key Setup 2, which means that encrypted devices can now be re-encrypted even if they’re being used at that time. Because of this, it becomes possible to change the encryption algorithm or volume key without unmounting the file system.

Moreover, there have been changes to installer and image creation as well. With this update, users will be able to disable modules during Kickstart installation and include additional files in their image build.

Now when it comes to software updates, the new CentOS 8(1911) has plenty to offer: Go Toolset 1.12.8, Rust Toolset 1.37, Node.js 12, Ruby 2.6, PHP 7.3, and Tuned 2.12. There has been the addition of a new tool known as HealthCheck, which tells users about issues that make their IdM environments less reliable.

Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are plenty of other new features and software updates that come with CentOS 8(1911). So, if you’re interested in getting to know more about them, make sure to check out the official release notes for this update.


Whether you’re an old fan of CentOS or someone who just got introduced to the operating system, the new update has enough new features and changes for everyone to give it a chance. If the new CentOS has caught your interest, you’re only a click away from downloading it for your supported device.

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