Python is a common and in-demand programming language these days because it can create applications ranging from easy to complex. This article is for those new to Python programming and want to learn it from the ground up in a short amount of time.
Python script examples
This article explains 35 python script examples using straightforward examples to help you learn Python’s fundamentals.
Create and run the first python script
You don’t need to create a python file to write and run a simple python script from the terminal. You can simply access the python console and run it there directly. To access the python console, open the terminal (Ctrl +Alt + T on ubuntu) and run the ‘python’ or ‘python3’ commands to open Python in interaction mode and execute any script from the terminal.
tuts@fosslinux:~$ python3
If the script is long, it will need to be written and saved in a python file using any editor. To write the script, you can use any text editor or code editor, such as PyCharm, sublime, Spyder, Visual Studio Code, or any IDE program designed specifically for Python.
The python file has the .py extension.
The python scripts in this article are written using Python 3.9 and the Python PyCharm IDE. To use it, you must first install the PyCharm IDE on your device. Thus, this article’s demo scripts will be saved with a .py extension and triggered using the python3 command followed by the script’s name on the terminal. For instance,
1. Pig Latin Translator script
A pig Latin refers to a combination of rules that changes the text in a particular language to make it difficult to understand for someone who is not trained.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# #request user for input user_input = input("Input text to translate to pig latin: ") print("User Text: ", user_input) # This step breaks the words into a list updated_user_input = user_input.split(' ') for j in updated_user_input: if len(j) >= 3: #only translate words with more than 3 characters j = j + "%say" % (j[0]) j = j[1:] print(j) else: pass
To execute from the terminal, type the following code.
After running the code, the terminal will display the following output.

Pig Latin Translator script
2. Script to Reverse a Number
The script seeks to reverse the value of a number. In this case, the solution entails:
1. Take the integer’s value and store it in a variable.
2. Get each digit of the number and store the reversed number in another variable using a while loop.
3. Write the number backward.
4. Get out of there.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# user_input=int(input("Enter the number to reverse: ")) _rev=0 while(user_input>0): dig=user_input%10 _rev=_rev*10+dig user_input=user_input//10 print("The reversed number is :",_rev)
After running the code, the terminal will display the following output.

Script to Reverse a Number
3. Joining two strings
In Python, there are a variety of ways to join string values. This is called string concatenation.
The ‘+’ operator is the simplest way to combine two string values in Python.
To learn how to connect two strings, build a python script with the following script.
Two string values are allocated to two variables, with a third variable used to store the joined values, which will be printed later.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# string1 = "my" string2 = "work" joined_string = string1 +string2 print(joined_string)
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Joining two strings
The words “my” and “work” are combined here, and the result is “mywork”
4. In a given range, print odd numbers
This is an automation process that would otherwise be tedious and time-consuming to complete manually. The software prints all odd numbers within a given range using the upper and lower limits.
The solution to the Issue:
- Take the upper and lower range limits and store them separately in variables.
- Build a for-loop that covers the lower to upper range limits.
- Finally, use an if statement to determine if the number is odd or even, and then print the result.
- exit
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# lower_limit=int(input("Enter the lower limit for the range:")) upper_limit=int(input("Enter the upper limit for the range:")) for j in range(lower_limit,upper_limit+1): if(j%2!=0): print(j)
After running the script, the following output will appear.

In a given range, print odd numbers
5: Format a floating-point number in a string
Programming requires floating-point numbers to generate fractional numbers, and formatting the floating-point number for programming purposes is often necessary.
In Python, there are various ways to format a floating-point number. The following script formats a floating-point number using string formatting and string interpolation.
In string formatting, the format() method with format width is used, and string interpolation uses the “percent” symbol with the format with width.
Five digits are set before the decimal point, and two digits are set after the decimal point, according to the formatting distance.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # application of String Formatting first_val= 365.48951 print("String Formatting : {:5.2f}".format(first_val)) # application of String Interpolation second_val= 365.48951 print("String Interpolation: %5.2f" % second_val)
After executing, the output will appear as follows.

Format a floating-point number in a string
6. Raise a number by a factor
There are many ways to measure the x^n in Python. Three methods for calculating x^n in Python are shown in the script below.
The x^n is calculated using the double ‘*’ operator, the pow() method, and the math.pow() method. Numeric values are used to initialize the values of x and n.
The methods double ‘*’ and pow() are used to calculate integer values’ power. math.pow() can be used to measure the power of fractional numbers, as seen in the script’s final section.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# import math # initialize x and n with values x = 4 n = 3 # approach 1 result_val = x ** n print("%d raised to the power %d is %d" % (x,n,result_val)) # approach 2 result_val = pow(x,n) print("%d raised to the power %d is %d" % (x,n,result_val)) # approach 3 result_val = math.pow(x,n) print("%d raised to the power %d is %5.2f" % (x,n,result_val))
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Raise a number by a factor
7. Working with Boolean types
The following script demonstrates the various uses of Boolean types. The value ‘value_one’ will be printed in the first output, which is the Boolean value valid. Here, only zero returns false as a Boolean value, while all positive and negative numbers return true.
On the other hand, the second and third outputs will print real for both positive and negative numbers.
Since the comparison operator returns false, the fourth output will print false for 0, and the fifth output will also print false.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # Boolean value value_one = True print("boolean value: ",value_one) # Number to Boolean number_to_boolean = 10 print("number to boolean: ",bool(number_to_boolean)) num_val = -5 print("negative number: ",bool(num_val)) num_val = 0 print("number is equal to zero: ",bool(num_val)) # Boolean from comparison operator val_1 = 6 val_2 = 3 print("boolean from comparison operator: ", val_1 < val_2)
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Working with Boolean types
8. Usage of a conditional statement, if-else
The following script demonstrates how to use a conditional statement, if-else, in Python. Note that in Python, the if-else argument is declared a little differently than in other languages.
In Python, unlike other languages, curly brackets are not needed to define the if-else block, but the indentation block must be used correctly, or the script will fail.
The script uses a simple if-else argument to verify if the number variable’s value is greater than or equal to 70 or not. After the if and else blocks, a colon(:) is used to mark the block’s beginning.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # initialize num_val with a numeric value num_val = 40 # Check if num_val is more than 50 or not if (num_val > 50): print("you scored above average") else: print("You scored below average")
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Usage of a conditional statement, if-else
9. Usage of AND and OR operators in a conditional statement
The following script illustrates how to use AND and OR operators in a conditional statement.
The AND operator returns true if both conditions are true, and the OR operator returns true if either of the two conditions is true. As practical and theory signs, two floating-point numbers will be used.
The if the argument uses both AND and OR operators.
According to the condition, the ‘if’ statement will return true if the practical marks are greater than 40. The theory marks are greater than or equal to 30, or if the sum of practical and theory marks is greater than or equal to 70.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# practical marks practical_marks = float(input("Enter the practical marks: ")) # theory marks theory_marks = float(input("Enter the theory marks: ")) # use AND and OR operator to Check if it passes the condition if (practical_marks >= 40 and theory_marks >= 30) or (practical_marks + theory_marks) >=70: print("\nYou are successful") else: print("\nYou are not successful")
The output appears as shown below:

Usage of AND and OR operators in a conditional statement
Accordingly, the if statement returns false for the input values 30 and 35. But true for the input values 40 and 45.
10. Switch case statement
Python does not have a switch-case statement like other programming languages, but a custom function may enforce it.
In the following script, the job_details() function is generated to operate in the same way as the switch-case argument.
The feature has just one parameter and a switcher dictionary. Each index of the dictionary is tested for the value of the function parameter.
If a match is found, the function will return the index’s corresponding value; otherwise, the switcher’s second parameter value.get() method will be returned.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # Switcher for implementing switch case options def job_details(ID): switcher = { "100": "Job Description: Software Engineer", "200": "Job Description: Lawyer", "300": "Job Description: Graphics Designer", } '''The first argument will be returned if the match found and nothing will be returned if no match found''' return switcher.get(ID, "nothing") # Take the job ID job_id = input("Enter the job ID: ") # Print the output print(job_details(job_id))
If a match is made, the first argument will be returned; if no match is found, nothing will be returned – return the switcher.
Accordingly, the script is run twice, and two job descriptions are printed based on the job id’s values as shown.

Switch case statement
11. While loop
The use of a while loop in Python is demonstrated using the following example.
The colon(:) is used to describe the loop’s starting block, and all loop statements must be indented properly; otherwise, an indentation error will occur.
The counter value is set to 1 in the following script, which is used in the loop. And the loop will iterate five times, printing the counter values after each iteration.
To enter the loop’s termination state, the counter value is incremented by one in each iteration.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # Initialize counter value counter_val = 1 # Iterate the loop 10 times while counter_val < 11: # Print the counter value print ("counter value: %d" % counter_val) # Increment the counter_val counter_val = counter_val + 1
After running the script, the following output will appear.

While loop
12. For loop
Python’s for loop can be used for many purposes. A colon must define this loop’s starting block (:), and the statements must be defined by proper indentation.
A list of weekday names is specified in the following script. And a for loop is used to iterate and print each item on the list. The len() method is also used to count the total number of items in the list and to set the range() function’s limit.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# Initialize the list weekdays = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday","Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday"] print("Seven Weekdays are:\n") # Iterate the list using for loop for day in range(len(weekdays)): print(weekdays[day])
After running the script, the following output will appear.

For loop
13. Running a Python script from another Python script
It is often necessary to use a python file’s script from another python file. It’s easy to do, just like importing any module with the import keyword. String values initialize two variables in the file.
This file is imported with the alias ‘h’ in the file. This is where you’ll find a list of month names.
The flag variable is used to print the value of the holiday_1 variable for October, November, and December only once.
The holiday_2 variable’s value will be printed for the month of ‘April.’
When the else part of the if-else if-else declaration is executed, the other nine-month names will be printed. is a Python script that allows you to use predefined values for the set holidays.
# Import another python script from import holidays as h # month list months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] # Initial _flag variable to print holiday one time _flag = 0 # Iterate the list using for loop for m in months: if m == "October" or m == "November" or m == "December": if _flag == 0: print(" ### Now",h.holiday_1) _flag = 1 elif m == "April": print(" ### Now",h.holiday_2) else: print("The current month is",m)
Save the second script to a file called with the following code.
# # holiday values holiday_1 = "Long holiday break" holiday_2 = "Short holiday break"
If you run the script without any command-line arguments, you’ll get the following output, which shows the script filename.

Running a Python script from another Python script
15. Regular expressions
Regular expressions, also known as regex, are used in Python to fit or scan for and replace specific parts of a string based on a template.
In Python, the ‘re’ module refers to the regular expression. The script below illustrates how to use regex in Python.
The pattern used in the script would fit strings that have a capital letter as the first character. In fact, the pattern will be matched with a string value using the match() process.
A success message will be printed if the method returns true; otherwise, an instructional message will be printed.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # Import re module import re # Take any string data string_data = input("input a string : ") # search pattern search_pattern = '^[A-Z]' # match the pattern with input value _found = re.match(search_pattern, string_data) # message printed is based on the return value if _found: print("value starts with a capital letter") else: print("Re-enter starting with a capital letter")
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Regular expressions
16. Usage of getpass
getpass is a useful Python module for receiving password feedback from the user. The getpass module is illustrated in the following script below.
The getpass() method is used to take the input and convert it to a password. Besides, the if statement is used to compare the input value to the given password.
If the password matches, the message “you are authenticated” will appear; otherwise, the message “you are not authenticated” will appear.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # import getpass module import getpass # request user to input a password passwd = getpass.getpass('Password:') # validate the password entered by the user against the given password if passwd == "password": print("authentication successful") else: print("authentication failed ")
When the script is run from the terminal, the input value is not shown for other Linux passwords.
The script is run twice from the terminal. Once with an invalid password and once with a correct password, as shown in the diagram below.

Usage of getpass
17. Date format
The date value in Python can be formatted in many ways. The datetime module is used in the following script to set the existing and custom date values.
The current device date and time are read using the today() function. The formatted date value is then printed using the date object’s various property names.
The next section of the script demonstrates how to allocate and print a custom date value.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # program to format and print date using the library datetime from datetime import date # capture the date today date_today = # Print the formatted date print("The date today is :%d-%d-%d" % (,date_today.month,date_today.year)) # customize the given date custom_date = date(2021, 4, 5) print("The custom date is:",custom_date)
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Date format
18. Adding and deleting objects from a list
Python’s list object is used to solve many problems. To work with the list object, Python has several built-in functions.
The following example demonstrates how to add and delete new items from a list. The script declares a list of four objects.
- The Insert() method is used to add a new item to the list’s second location.
- The remove() method is used to find and remove a specific item from a list.
Following the insertion and deletion, the list is written.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # Declare a list of sports sports = ["soccer","rugby","netball","volleyball"] # Insert a new sport in the 3rd position sports.insert(2, "table tennis") # Resultant list after inserting print("The sports list after insert:") print(sports) # Remove sport sports.remove("netball") # Print the sports list after delete print("The sports list after delete:") print(sports)
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Adding and deleting objects from a list
19. List comprehension
List comprehension is a Python function that allows you to build a new list from any string, tuple, or another list.
The for loop and lambda function can be used to accomplish the same mission.
The script below demonstrates two separate applications of list comprehension – List comprehension is used to translate a string value into a list of characters.
A tuple is then translated to a list in the same manner.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # list of characters creation using list comprehension build_char_list = [ char for char in "comprehension" ] print(build_char_list) # Define a tuple of multi-million companies companies_tuple = ("Facebook","Google", "Twitter", "IBM","Apple", "HP", "DELL") # use list comprehension to create a list from tuple companies_list = [ site for site in companies_tuple ] print(companies_list)
After running the script, the following output will appear below.

List comprehension
20. Slice data
The slice() method in Python is used to cut a specific portion of a string. There are three parameters in this system – Start, stop, and phase is the three parameters.
The stop parameter is needed, while the other two parameters are optional. The slice() method is demonstrated with one, two, and three parameters in the following script. When only one parameter is defined in the slice() process, the required parameter stop is used.
The start and stop parameters are used when the two parameters are used in the slice() process. Finally, start, end, and phase parameters are used when all three parameters are used.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # string value assignment _text = "slicing data details" # use one parameter to Slice slice_obj = slice(5) print("one parameters: ",_text[slice_obj]) # use two parameters to Slice slice_obj = slice(6,12) print("two parameters: ",_text[slice_obj]) # use three parameters to Slice slice_obj = slice(6,25,5) print("three parameters: ", _text[slice_obj])
After running the script, the following output will appear. The argument value for the first slice() method is 5. It sliced the five text variables that are printed as output into five characters. Arguments 6 and 12 are used in the second slice() form. The slicing process begins at position six and ends after 12 characters.

Slice Data
The third slice() method takes three arguments: 6, 25, and 5. The slicing starts at position six and ends after 25 characters, with each move omitting five characters.
21. Add and search data in the dictionary
Like the associative array in other programming languages, the dictionary object is used in Python to store multiple data.
The following script demonstrates how to add a new item to the dictionary and scan for any item.
The script declares a dictionary of customer knowledge, with the index containing the sports ID and the meaning containing the sports name. After that, a new sports record is added to the dictionary’s end. To check the dictionary, a sports ID is used as input.
To iterate the dictionary’s indexes and check the dictionary’s input value, a for loop and an if condition is used.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # Define a dictionary sports = {'100':'soccer','200':'rugby', '300':'table tennis','400':'volleyball', '500':'Basketball'} # Append a new data sports['600'] = 'netball' print("The sports names are:") # Print the values of the dictionary for sport in sports: print(sports[sport]) # Take sport ID as input to search sport_name = input("Enter Sport ID:") # Search the sport ID in the dictionary for sport in sports: if sport == sport_name: print(sports[sport]) break
After running the script and selecting ‘3’,’400′ as the sport ID value, the following output will appear as:

Add and search data in the dictionary
22. Add and search data in a Python set
The script below demonstrates how to add and search data in a Python set. The script declares a set of integer data. To add new data to the package, use the add() method.
In a for loop and if condition, an integer value will be used to check for a set value.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # number set definition number_set = {23, 90, 56, 78, 12, 34, 67} # new data is added number_set.add(50) # set values printing print(number_set) _message = "that number is not available." # request use for a number value for search search_val = int(input("input a number:")) # Search the number in the set for val in number_set: if val == search_val: _message = "that number is available." break print(_message)
The script is run twice, once with the integer value 46 and once with 90. Herein, the number 46 isn’t found in the set, so “that number is not available.” is printed. However, the number 90 is found in the set, and the message “that number is available.” is printed.
The output of the above script appears as shown in the diagram below.

Add and search data in a Python set
23. Count the number of items on the list
The count() method in Python is used to count how many times a string occurs in another string.
There are three possible claims. The first argument is needed, and it searches for a specific string within a larger string. The method’s other two arguments are used to restrict the search by specifying the search positions.
The count() method is used with one argument in the following script to measure the word “Python” in the string variable.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # string definition string = 'Python learning apart from Java, Python, Kotlin PHP, Python & PERL' # search string search = 'Python' # count value stored count = string.count(search) # formatted output Printed print("%s appears %d times" % (search, count))
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Count the number of items on the list
24. Create a function and call it
The following script illustrates how to declare and call user-defined functions in Python.
Two functions are declared here. First, to measure the sum of two numbers and print the result, use the addition() function with two arguments.
Secondly, the area() function takes only one argument and calculates a circle area before returning the caller’s result through the return statement.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # Define addition function def add(first_number, second_number): _result = first_number + second_number return _result # use return statement to define area function def area(_radius): _result = 3.14 * _radius * _radius return _result # add function called print("Addition results: ",add(400, 300)) # area function called print("Circle's Area: ",area(4))
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Create a function and call it
25. Throw and catch the exception
To throw and catch the exception, try and catch blocks are used.
In Python, the try-catch block is shown in the following script. The try block takes a number value as input and checks if it is even or odd.
If any non-numeric value is given as input, a ValueError is thrown, and an exception is thrown to the catch block, which prints the error message.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # The Try block try: # request user to input a number num_val = int(input("Input a number: ")) if num_val % 2 == 0: print("Even Number") else: print("Odd Number") # The Exception block except (ValueError): # error message printed print("Input a numeric value")
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Throw and catch the exception
26. Read and Write file
The script below demonstrates how to read and write to a file in Python. The vector filename contains the filename.
The file is opened for writing at the start of the script with the open() process. And the write() method is used to write three lines to the register.
Following that, the open() method is used to open the same file for reading. And the for loop is used to read and print of line of the file.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
filename = "cities.txt" # Open file for writing fileHandler = open(filename, "w") # add cities fileHandler.write("New York\n") fileHandler.write("Washington\n") fileHandler.write("Los Angeles\n") # Close the file fileHandler.close() # Open file for reading lines = open(filename, "r") # Reading a file line by line for line in lines: print(line) # Close the file fileHandler.close()
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Read and Write file
27. List files in a directory
The os module of Python can be used to read the contents of any directory.
The following script demonstrates how to use the os module in Python to get a list of files in a given directory.
The script uses the listdir() method to get a list of files and directories in a directory. Further, the directory content is printed using a for a loop.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # to read directory, the Import os module import os # directory path _path = '/home/tuts/Documents' # Reading file content's _files = os.listdir(_path) # Print directory's content for _file in _files: print(_file)
If the directory’s specified path exists, the directory’s content will appear after running the script.

List files in a directory
28. Read and write data with Pickle
The following script demonstrates how to write and read data with Python’s Pickle module.
An object is declared and initialized with five numeric values in the script. Besides, the dump() method is used to save the data of this object to a disk. The data is then read from the same file and stored in an array using the load() process.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # Import pickle module import pickle as p # object to store data is declared data_object = [] # Iterate the for loop for 10 times for val in range(10,20): data_object.append(val) # file for writing data is opened file_handler = open('languages', 'wb') # Dump the object's data into the file p.dump(data_object, file_handler) # close the file handler file_handler.close() # Open a file for reading the file _handler = open('languages', 'rb') # Load the data from the file after deserialization data_object = p.load(_handler) # Iterate the loop to print the data for v in data_object: print('Data Value : ', v) # close the file handler _handler.close()
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Read and write data with Pickle
29. Define a class and method
The following script demonstrates how to declare and access a class and method in Python.
A class is described here, along with a class variable and a process. Subsequently, the class variable and class method are then accessed by declaring a class object.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # class definition class Job: name = "Software Engineer" # Define the method def job_details(self): print("place: New York") print("Department: IT") print("Salary: $100,000") # Create the Job object _job = Job() # the class variable is Printed print("Name:", # trigger the class method _job.job_details()
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Define a class and method
30. Range function usage
The following script demonstrates how to use the range function in Python.
Three arguments can be passed to this function – start, stop, and stage. However, the stop claim must be used.
The default value of the start is 0 when just one argument is used. range() functions of one, two, and three arguments are used in the three for loops.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# print('The function range() with one parameter\n') for _range in range(8): print(_range, end=' ') print('\nThe function range() with two parameter\n') for _range in range(8,20): print(_range, end=' ') print('\nThe function range() with three parameter\n') for _range in range(8,20,2): print(_range, end=' ') print('\n')
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Range function usage
31. The map() function
The map() function in Python is used to create a list from any user-defined function and any iterable object.
The power_fun() function is specified in the following script to calculate the xn, and it is used in the first argument of the map() function.
The second argument of the map() function is a list called numbers.
The user’s x value will be taken, and the map() function will return a list of x power values based on the numbers list’s item values.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # power function definition & calculation def power_fun(n): return x ** n # request user to input the value of x x = int(input("Enter the value of x:")) # Define a tuple that will store numbers num_val = [2, 3, 4] # use map() to calculate the x to the power n map_result = map(power_fun, num_val) print(list(map_result))
After running the script, the following output will appear.

The map() function
32. Filtering data from an iterable object with the filter() feature
The filter() function in Python uses a custom function to filter data from an iterable object and generate a list of objects for which the function returns.
The SelectedSport() function is used in the following script to construct a list of filtered data based on the selectedList objects.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # Define a list of all sports all_sports= ['soccer', 'basketball', 'volleyball', 'netball', 'athletics'] # Define the function to filters selected sports def SelectedSport(val): selected_sports = ['athletics', 'soccer','rugby'] if(val in selected_sports): return True selectedList = filter(SelectedSport, all_sports) print('The selected sports are:') for item in selectedList: print(item)
After running the script, the following output will appear.

Filtering data from an iterable object with the filter() feature
33. Script to check External IP Address
Needing to know your external IP address isn’t something that happens all the time…until it does. Here’s an example Python script that illustrates how quick it is to use Python for these otherwise time-consuming tasks.
This is a basic Python script for determining your external IP address. The requests and re-modules are first imported.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# # script to check your external IP address import re import requests ur_url = "" request = requests.get(ur_url) _result = request.text.split(': ', 1)[1] your_ip = _result.split('</body></html>', 1)[0] print(your_ip)

Script to check External IP Address
34. roll the dice
This is a traditional “roll the dice” game. Since we want to randomize the numbers we get from the dice, we’ll use the random module.
The lowest and highest number of dice are set as variables (min and max). After that, we use a while loop to allow the user to roll the dice once more.
The roll again parameter can be set to any value; in this case, it’s set to “yes” or “y,” but you can also add other values.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# import random def roll_dice(min_val, max_val): while True: print("Dice Rolling...") print(f"Your number is {random.randint(min_val, max_val)}") result = input("Do you want to roll the dices again? (y/n) ") if result.lower() == "n": break roll_dice(1, 6)
After running the above script, the following output will appear.

roll the dice
35. Searching your PC for specific files
we’ll explain how to walk a directory tree with the os.walk() module function and match filenames with the fnmatch module. Also, we’ll teach you how to use the os.walk() module function to walk a directory tree and the fnmatch module to match file names in this article.
What exactly is OS.walk?
It walks the tree top-down or bottom-up to create file names in a directory tree. It returns a 3-tuple for each directory in the tree rooted at directory top, including top itself, i.e., dirpath, dirnames, filenames.
- dirpath # is a string that represents the directory’s path.
- dirnames # is a list of the subdirectories’ names in dirpath that do not begin with the letters ‘.’ or ‘..’.
- filenames # is a list of non-directory files’ names in dirpath. The names in the lists do not include any path components.
Do os.path.join to get a complete path beginning with top to a file or directory in dirpath (dirpath, name). For wild-card pattern matching, the fnmatch module is used.
Matching is easy
fnmatch() compares a single file name to a pattern and returns a boolean that indicates whether they match or not. If the operating system uses a case-sensitive file system, the comparison is case-sensitive.
The fnmatch module compares file names to glob-style patterns that Unix shells use. These are not to be confused with the more complex normal expression laws. It’s nothing more than a string matching process.
If you choose to use a different pattern type, such as regular expressions, simply fit your filenames with regex operations. This script searches the hard drive for all image files using the commands’ os.walk’ and ‘fnmatch’ with filters.
Save the script to a file called with the following code.
# import fnmatch import os root_path = '/home/tuts/Documents' _pattern = '*.mp4' for _root, dirs, _files in os.walk(root_path): for _file in fnmatch.filter(_files, _pattern): print( os.path.join(_root, _file))

Searching your PC for specific files
1 comment
as a once admin retired now. keeping the hands and brain in Linux is great. vi savvy has my bash challenge time hobby joy. From work time always the want to learn python. Now just finding some interest time. Relations of “ease” is tad daunting for all the additional syntax and tabulated format. Suggest to a Python-IDE is rank. Great to see and find your share in python scripts. It is such that can entice one to see thru all that read to play around in familiar territory and perform similar operations in another code language. Let alone finger dancing joy to seeing result.
Great thanks.